Personal Development

Join the Go Outside 23 in 23 Challenge

The Happier app offers multiple tools to track participation and progress, including:

  • Don’t Break The Chain to mark off each day 
  • Numbers Trackers to log steps and/or minutes
  • One-Sentence Journal to record details you want to remember
  • Photo Log to create a visual record over time
  • Accountability Partners if you’d like to notify a friend, family member, coach, or group about your activities
  • Track Your Total to measure numbers that add up over time

Also, Elizabeth and I know that many listeners (including Elizabeth herself) are Obligers, who need outer accountability to meet inner expectations. Even people who aren’t Obligers often benefit from accountability.

So, to make the challenge more fun and to boost accountability, this year we’ve set a participation goal—one million entries logged by the end of 2023.

Every time you log an entry for “Go Outside 23 in 23” in the Happier app, it counts toward this goal. To celebrate hitting the one million milestone, the Happier app will make a donation to One Tree Planted, a nonprofit organization focused on global reforestation.

Remember, by spending time outside, you’re helping to plant much-needed trees in the world.

How to Join

Download the Happier app for free to get started. Once you create your account, you’ll see “Outside 23 in 2023” on the home screen. Tap on it, and you’ll be guided to set up your aim to go outside 23 minutes each day and choose a tracking tool.

The challenge officially kicks off on January 1st, so you’ll have time to explore the app — spin the wheel, get practical tips, enjoy audio content, and more. Or, if you’re feeling inspired to get started right away, you can get some extra days in. 

If you’re already a Happier app user, you’ll see “Go Outside 23 in 2023” on your home screen starting December 19th. You can participate in the challenge for free, with or without a subscription, and regardless of how many aims you are already tracking. 

Learn more about the app and the “Go Outside 23 in 23” campaign here.

If you join the “Go Outside” challenge, use the hashtag #Outside23in23 to post from your daily time outside on social media. As the Strategy of Other People explains, we pick up habits (for better or worse) from other people, so it’s helpful to feel like we’re joining with others. It can give us accountability; it can help us remember what we want; it can remind us of how great it feels to be refreshed and energized.

As you think about your #Outside23in23, look for ways to make it easier or more convenient to go outside.

What other tips and resources have you found helpful? Let me know! We can all learn from each other.

I’m writing a collection of Secrets of Adulthood and Aphorisms, and here are a few to keep in mind as you plan to go outside in 2023:

Join us for #Outside23in23.

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