Personal Development

The 30 Most Popular Episodes of The Tim Ferriss Show from 2022

Happy New Year!

The Tim Ferriss Show crossed 900 million downloads last year, and it’s fast approaching one billion downloads. Doing the podcast has been one of my emotional life rafts and saving graces amidst the madness of 2022, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening. 

In case you want to dig in, below are the most popular episodes of 2022. 

We used an imperfect methodology—number of downloads one week after publication—but it’s good enough to surface episodes that got people really excited and that quickly spread via word of mouth.

2023 is going to be very big. If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you find your audio morsels.

With sincerest thanks, 


Below is the list, in descending order of downloads (i.e., #1 had the most downloads one week after publication).

#1: Morgan Housel — The Psychology of Money, Picking the Right Game, and The $6 Million Janitor (Episode #576)

#2: Mark Zuckerberg on Long-Term Strategy, Business and Parenting Principles, Personal Energy Management, Building the Metaverse, Seeking Awe, The Role of Religion, Solving Deep Technical Challenges (e.g., AR), and More (Episode #582)

#3: New Insights from Sam Harris, Dr. Peter Attia, Ramit Sethi, and Elizabeth Gilbert (Episode #599)

#4: Rich Roll — Reinventing Your Life at 30, 40, and Beyond (Episode 561)

#5: Cal Newport — The Eternal Pursuit of Craftsmanship, The Deep Life, Slow Productivity, and a 30-Day Digital Minimalism Challenge (Episode #568)

#6: Jason Portnoy of PayPal, Palantir, and More — Porn Addiction, The Corrosiveness of Secrets, Healing Wounds, Escaping Shame Cycles, and Books to Change Your Life (Episode #600)

#7: Q&A with Tim on Wealth and Money, Book Recommendations, Advice on Taking Advice, C.S. Lewis, Relationships, Behavior Change and Self-Awareness, Why We Are All (Mostly) Making It Up as We Go, and Much More (Episode #614)

#8: Roland Griffiths, PhD — Life’s Ultimate Glide Path, An Unexpected Stage IV Diagnosis, Facing Death, How Meditation and Psychedelics Can Help, and The Art of Living a Life of Gratitude (Episode #641) 

#9: Dr. Michio Kaku — Exploring Time Travel, The Beauty of Physics, Parallel Universes, The Mind of God, String Theory, Lessons from Einstein, and More (Episode #562)

#10: Chris Palmer, MD, of Harvard Medical School — Optimizing Brain Energy for Mental Health, The Incredible Potential of Metabolic Psychiatry, Extraordinary Case Studies, and Harnessing Mitochondria for Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, and More (Episode #633)

#11: Balaji S. Srinivasan — 5–10-Year Predictions, How to Start a New Country, Society-as-a-Service (SaaS), Bitcoin Maximalism, Memetic Warfare, How Prices Are Born, Moral Flippenings, The One Commandment, and The Power of Missionary over Mercenary (Episode #606)

#12: Michael Schur, Creator of “The Good Place” — How SNL Trains Writers, His TV University at “The Office,” Lessons from Lorne Michaels, Wisdom from David Foster Wallace, and Exploring Moral Philosophy with “How to Be Perfect” (Episode #565)

#13: Susan Cain on Transforming Pain, Building Your Emotional Resilience, Exploring Sufi Wisdom, Tapping into Bittersweet Songs, and Seeking the Shards of Light (Episode #583)

#14: Dr. John Krystal — All Things Ketamine, The Most Comprehensive Podcast Episode Ever (Episode #625)

#15: Dr. Gabor Maté — The Myth of Normal, Metabolizing Anger, Processing Trauma, and Finding the Still Voice Within (Episode #620)

#16: John List — A Master Economist on Strategic Quitting, How to Practice Theory of Mind, Learnings from Uber, Optimizations to Boost Donations, the Primitives of Decision-Making, and How Field Experiments Reveal Hidden Realities (Episode #566)

#17: Richard Wiseman on Lessons from Dale Carnegie, How to Keep a Luck Diary, Mentalism, The Psychology of the Paranormal, Mass Participation Experiments, NLP, Remote Viewing, and Attempting the Impossible (Episode #593)

#18: Morgan Fallon — 10 Years on the Road with Anthony Bourdain, 9 Emmy Nominations, Lessons from Michael Mann, Adventures with Steven Rinella, High Standards, Wisdom from West Virginia, and More (Episode #597) 

#19: Boyd Varty — The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life (Episode #571)

#20: Insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman, Greg McKeown, Jocko Willink, Brené Brown, and Naval Ravikant (Episode #616)

#21: Jack Kornfield — How to Overcome Apathy and Find Beautiful Purpose (Episode #601)

#22: Cal Newport and Tim Ferriss Revisit “The 4-Hour Workweek” (Plus: The Allure and The Void of Remote Work, Unsustainable Behaviors, Burning Out, The Cult of Productivity, and More) (Episode #594) 

#23: Bo Shao — His Path from Food Rations to Managing Billions, The Blessings and Burdens of Chasing Perfection, Building the eBay of China in 1999, Pillars of Parenting, and Pursuing the Unpopular (Episode #584)

#24: Professor Donald Hoffman — The Case Against Reality, Beyond Spacetime, Rethinking Death, Panpsychism, QBism, and More (Episode #585)

#25: Tim Ferriss and Matt Mullenweg in Antarctica: Exploring Personal Fears, Bucket Lists, Facing Grief, Crafting Life Missions, and Tim’s Best Penguin Impressions (Episode #578) 

#26: UFC Hall of Famer Bas Rutten on Fundamentals of Real Self-Defense, Savage Fight Stories, How He’s Handled Bullies, Breathing Techniques for Increasing Stamina and Endurance, The Art of Personal Reinvention, and Cultivating the Practice of Prayer (Episode #621)

#27: Jane McGonigal — How She Predicted COVID in 2010, Becoming the Expert of Your Own Future, Trust Warfare, The 10-Year Winter, and How to Cultivate Optimism (Episode #579)

#28: Q&A with Tim — Revisiting 15+ Years of PR and Marketing Lessons, Time Dilation for Deep Relaxation, The Art of Setting Ultra-High Prices, The Low-Information Diet, Studying Animal Communication, My 3-Day Fasting Protocol, Tools for Handling Adversity, Selling to the Affluent, My Current Coffee and Alcohol Rules, Risk Mitigation, and Much More (Episode #628)

#29: The Random Show with Kevin Rose — Current Books, Men’s Groups, Tuna Helper, The Latest in NFTs, Fierce Intimacy, and More (Episode #586) 

#30: A Rare Podcast at 30 Below Zero — Sue Flood on Antarctica, Making Your Own Luck, Chasing David Attenborough, and Reinventing Yourself (Episode #567) 

P.S. In case you missed it, transcripts for all episodes are available for free at this link, and you can find vetted podcast sponsors at this link.

P.P.S. To stay up to date when new episodes are released, and to receive other goodies, take a few seconds and sign up for my newsletter. It has 1.5M+ subscribers and includes 5-Bullet Friday, a short email of five bullets sending you off to your weekend with fun and useful things to ponder and try. If you change your mind, it’s easy to unsubscribe.

The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than 900 million downloads. It has been selected for “Best of Apple Podcasts” three times, it is often the #1 interview podcast across all of Apple Podcasts, and it’s been ranked #1 out of 400,000+ podcasts on many occasions. To listen to any of the past episodes for free, check out this page.

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