Personal Development

Facebook – Give Your Audience What They Want

It is important that you post the right type of content on
Facebook. You need to bear in mind that you are competing with a lot of other
content in the news feeds of your audience. When you give your audience what
they want then you will get a lot more views and increase your engagement
levels through commenting, liking and sharing.

Identify your Target

The more that you know about your audience on Facebook the
better results you can achieve. Start by creating a persona that describes your
ideal audience member. You can create a good persona by asking the following

What is their gender?

What is their age range?

Where are they located?

What are their interests?

What income levels do they have?

There are a lot more questions that you can come up with
here. Look online for some good resources on creating the ideal customer
persona. Take your time to make this as accurate as possible. It is really

What Problems does
your Audience have?

When you know what problems your audience has you can plan
your Facebook content so that you address these questions. By doing this they
will perceive you as an expert in your niche and will be more likely to check
you out further by visiting your website.

Do your homework here. If you are in the make money online
niche then think about the problems that people want to solve:

How can they make more commissions?

How can they get more traffic to their offers?

How can they rank their website on Google?

How can they achieve more conversions?

What online business model should they use?

Which web hosting is the best?

How can they build a high converting sales

There are always problems in all niches. You can join
related Facebook Groups and find out what questions members ask the most. When
you can solve the problems of your audience they will love you forever!

What kind of Content
does your Audience like the most?

If you have been using Facebook for a while you can go into
Facebook Insights and see which of your posts were the most popular. Examine
these posts carefully to determine what made them a hit with your audience.

You can then use this information to shape your future
Facebook posts. It is not a good idea to post about the same subjects all of
the time as your audience could quickly lose interest. Just figure out the
format and other details of winning posts and use this same formula again.

If you don’t have a history of posts then again you can turn
to Facebook Groups to find out which posts are popular with your audience. This
is easy to see from the number of comments, likes and shares that a post has.

Plan your Content

Once your audience starts to consume your content they will
want more and more of it so you need to post on a regular basis so that you don’t
disappoint them. Stick to a posting schedule so your audience knows when to
expect your next post.

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