Personal Development

15 Awesome YouTube Channel Ideas without Showing Your Face in 2023

If you’re camera shy, you’re not alone. The fear of being on camera is the stepchild of the most common fear on the planet, the fear of public speaking. 75% of the world shares this same fear. The idea of creating YouTube videos and putting yourself out there in front of potentially millions of people can be crippling to many people.

When it comes to your fear of being on camera, you can go two ways. 

Overcome it or avoid it. Neither choice is wrong. 

Having a YouTube channel is supposed to be a fun and comfortable experience. If going on camera makes that impossible for you, you can create a YouTube channel that works around that.

Fortunately, some of the most successful YouTube channels on the planet are “faceless YouTube channels” and the creators never show their faces and you don’t have to either.

Channels like HowToBasic have amassed millions of subscribers, creating painfully simple how to video.

How to Basic

Here are 15 best YouTube channel ideas without showing your face that you can run in 2022 and beyond.

Before we get into the YouTube channel ideas, let me give a quick word of advice.

First, these are just some ideas for inspiration. Don’t copy verbatim and expect to get the same results. Trying to copy the channels in the examples exactly without bringing anything unique to your channel will make it difficult to succeed. There are a LOT of people trying to blindly copy successful channels and failing. 

So, use these as inspiration and be sure to add your own “it” factor that makes people gravitate to your channel over others. 

Second, there are no rules saying that certain types of channels have to include your face and others don’t.

With the exception of some channels like DIY make up, almost any channel can be turned into a face-free channel. Some are just better fit for it than others. 

Draw outside the lines and don’t be afraid to be the first “face free” channel in a space that is commonly driven by on screen personalities.

#1 Meme Recap 

The internet loves its memes and basing a YouTube channel around that is pretty simple. Curate your memes, add some fun music and go. Or you could do a voiceover (voice modulators are a fun way to up the funny factor) and react to the memes you’ve chosen.

Mentally Mitch

Check out Mentally Mitch‘s faceless YouTube channel for an excellent example of a meme picture recap channel with over 500 thousand subscribers. You read that right: over half a million subscribers for reacting to memes!

Oh, and he doesn’t just hide his face, he also edits his voice by raising the pitch to a comically high level. It gives him a lot of extra personality while maintaining a certain level of anonymity and privacy.

There are a lot of these types of YouTube channels, but there is definitely room for creators who are willing to consistently put in the work. 

Also, video ideas for this channel aren’t difficult at all since new memes sprout up all day every day. You can create awesome videos and a profitable channel just by reacting to 12-15 memes per video!

#2 SubReddit Recaps

Reddit has a massive amount of funny, weird, creepy and all-around entertaining content just waiting for a moment in the spotlight. You can easily compile a collection of posts to share, read and react to on your YouTube channel.

Reddit Logo

Channels like EmKay with over 2.4 million subscribers and fresh with almost half a million prove YouTube loves a good r/subreddit channel.

#3 Motivational 

Motivational YouTube channels are extremely popular. They are often driven by compilation videos from industry leaders in the motivational speaking space.

These channels mashup popular video clips and sound bites while putting epic background music behind them.

There is no shortage of motivational audio and video you can repurpose for your own motivational channel. 


Channels like Motiversity focus on curating motivational content into epic videos that get millions of views. 

I’m a huge fan of these videos actually and listen to them when I’m in the gym.

Some of these motivational YouTube channels add more originality and create motivational videos that have animation videos as the focal point. This takes a lot more work of course but there are many software products and freelancers who can make these animations for you quickly without spending a fortune or taking weeks to turnaround.

#4 Scary Stories

This one will be particularly appealing to all you horror fans out there; especially if you can pull off a creepy voice (don’t forget voice modulators if your natural pipes aren’t cutting it!)

These YouTube channels have creepy images, skin crawling voice overs, and of course, quality stories designed to keep you awake all night long.

My personal favorite is a series called Scary Stories Told in the Rain from the channel Being Scared.

Being Scared YouTube

Also check out Mr. Nightmare who has over 5 million subscribers and Corpse Husband who boasts nearly 7 ½ million subs!

One of the coolest things that many of these channels do is they focus 99% of the attention on the spoken word versus original video footage. They are often just voiceover videos that have something as simple stock footage of a rainstorm or a crackling fire pit playing in the background. These can be found with free stock videos.

#5 On Screen Tutorials

Are you experienced with common software products? No matter how niche or random you feel they might be (Excel, Adobe Products etc) you can create a highly successful software tutorial YouTube channel that turns that knowledge into viewers and dollars.

So many people need help using even “basic” software. As a user of these channels myself, I can verify that the ones where the presenter shows their face is usually worse as it impedes seeing the software and is distracting during ‘how to’ videos.

On screen youtube tutorials

One of my favorite examples is Programming with Mosh with over 1.5 million subscribers. He actually quit his programming job because his YouTube channel is so successful!

Software tutorial YouTube channels can seem dry compared to other high energy YouTube channels, but to the right audience, they can become wildly popular

#6 Product Reviews

If you enjoy shopping and trying new things, this is the YouTube channel for you. Product reviews are exactly what they sound like: buy a product or a few and make a video explaining how they work (if they work), how you feel about it and whether you would recommend it for others to try.

Any product can be reviewed: from make-up, food and drink, to power tools and home electronics. And while a lot of product reviewers show their faces, you can easily focus the camera on your hands and the product if you’re feeling a bit camera shy.

One of the best perks of doing review channels is that you can get tons of free stuff!

#7 Top List Videos

Top list videos are one of the most fantastic and diverse categories on YouTube. No matter what your interest is: Movies, video games, celebrity gossip, weird facts or a combination of all the above; you can find endless topics to cover in a top list video. Just find your top list, grab some footage and images to match and have fun reading and reviewing your list!

List Channels on YouTube

Check out with over 23 million subscribers as a great example of a list-video channel. 

You’ll notice that these videos are often formatted as “top ten videos” but you can use any format you like. Try more like “top 30” or less like “top 5” and see what your audience responds best to.

#8 Gaming 

People love gameplay videos. I swear that my boys actually prefer watching people play video games than they like playing them themselves!

You may be inclined to think of Twitch when you think of online gaming, but the YouTube gaming community is alive and well. Whether you’re a novice gamer or an expert speed runner, starting up a YouTube gaming channel can be a fun way to share your interest and experiences with the masses. And don’t forget you can also make a channel dedicated to tabletop and board games as well! Get your friends involved and turn your YouTube channel into more than just an online experience. 

#9 Cooking 

Everyone eats, but not everyone can cook. Millions of people go to YouTube to learn how to cook or to discover new recipes and cooking tips every day. If you enjoy spending time in the kitchen, creating your own recipes and cooking techniques, consider starting up a cooking channel. This one is great if you’re nervous about your voice as well. Skip the voice-over and provide written instructions, clear video footage of the processes and, of course, fun music! And don’t forget the popular “What I Eat in a Day/Week” videos, which would be great when combined with recipes as well!

#10 Meditation

Meditation is an incredibly healthy practice that benefits the mind and the body. YouTube meditation channels do shockingly well and YouTube is an excellent platform for helping others begin their meditation journey or learn new techniques.

And you need little to start a meditation-based channel. Find or create some soothing art and background music, then narrate your guided meditations and how to videos in a calm, soothing voice.

Meditation YouTube

For inspiration, check out Meditative Mind with almost 4 million subscribers as well as Meditation and Healing with 1.2 million.

#11 Homework Help

Whether you are a student currently doing homework or simply feeling nostalgic for the good old days of late-night study sessions, a homework channel is a great way to flex your creative and intellectual muscles while helping others with math. And a homework channel can be more than just 1+1=2! You can include tips and tricks for lowering stress, fighting procrastination, and making sure your viewers can look back on their days of hitting the books with fondness.

Many of the best homework video YouTube channels teach their content with amazing whiteboard animation videos versus videos of themselves.

Adding animated videos to explain concepts is just as helpful to others as it is profitable to creators: very.

#12 Celebrity Spotlight

Celebrities are always trending! Get in on the news, gossip and fun by starting your own celebrity spotlight YouTube channel.

With celebrities, there is always something new and exciting to cover, so your channel will never have a dull moment or run out of material.

The Talko

Cover the red carpet footage or delve into the latest juicy gossip and remember to have fun! TheTalko surely is with over 8 million subscribers.

I’ve seen how powerful this type of content is. My article about Supreme Patty has driven 1,000s of views on this website. 

#13 Movie Review

Movies can be more than a fun pastime. Many people are incredibly passionate about movies.

A movie review channel features movie clips, fun facts about the scenes, and, of course, a good review from the perspective of the channel host. And just imagine running a successful movie channel, getting to watch movies for more than just fun.

Also, you’ll get to watch movies guilty free knowing that you’re working on your channel!

#14 Voice Dubbing (Comedy)

Are you known for your sense of humor and comedic timing, but feel too shy to get on stage and perform stand-up? Comedic voice dubbing may be an excellent way to express your comedy creativity without having to face your fears and the dreaded stage-fright. Find clips of people, animals, or even inanimate objects and have fun with it!

Bad Lip Reading

And if you’re wondering whether a channel like this can take off, check out Bad Lip Reading boasting over 8 million subscribers!

#15 Compilations (Entertainment, Humor Etc).

Who doesn’t enjoy sitting down to a good compilation video? Be it animals, people, sports, news, bloopers, or memes and vines, there is a limitless amount of content for any compilation channel to curate into quality content to amuse the YouTube viewers of the world. Add fun music, voice overs or just let the clip audio run for an easy video crafting experience.

Funny Pet Videos

For a fun and cute compilation channel, hop over to Funny Pet Videos along with their over 800 thousand subscribers!

Advice for Creating a Faceless YouTube Channel

Now that you have some ideas, I hope you’re ready to go jump in and create your faceless YouTube channel.

If you are, here are a few considerations and general pieces of advice. 

#1 Ignore Comments

Part of the allurement of a faceless YouTube channel is it is less stressful socially. The YouTube comments section is the opposite of that. I recommend you leave comments on but simply ignore them. People engaging and commenting on your videos can help boost your YouTube SEO but it can take its toll mentally.

In a perfect world, you’d reply to all comments and engage with your audience. Go for it if you can.

If not, just ignore the comments. If you can’t ignore them and they are making you dislike publishing and less likely to create new videos, just turn them off. Many channels succeed even with comments turned off. Don’t let haters ruin your channel for you. 

#2 Templates Scale

Some of the most popular faceless YouTube channels have very clear formats. They can easily create more videos because they have their style set in stone and it’s easy to repeat and outsource. 

  • Thumbnail
  • Intro
  • Outro
  • Script
  • Animations
  • Branding
  • Structure
  • Music

One of my favorite channels is called UrMaker. His videos typically follow a very repeatable style. Similar music, transitions, theme and structure. 

#3 Watch Out for Copyright Claims

When your channel is faceless, you’ll require a lot more stock and 3rd party footage. Be careful not to use media that is copyrighted. YouTube is brutal when it comes to this. They will shut your channel down quickly if you get caught doing it multiple times. 

Here is a great article that explains in better detail what types of content you can and cannot use for your YouTube channel. 

Tools and Resources for Creating a Faceless YouTube Channel

There is no shortage of tools and resources to help you with growing your first faceless videos.

Pictory.AI – A game changing video creation tool for YouTubers. Easily convert Audio or blog posts into faceless videos you can use on your YouTube channel. Read my full Pictory.AI review here.

Play.Ht – A powerful AI voice creator. You can create narrations to your videos, clone your own voice, use celebrity voices and more.

Screenflow (Mac Users) – This is a video editing software that focuses on screen recordings. This is what I use on several of my channels. Unfortunately, it’s only available for Mac users. Even if you have a Mac, this makes it hard to collaborate with other people (freelance editors etc) who don’t have them.

Camtasia (Mac and PC) – This software is another version of Camtasia. I prefer the Screenflow interface, but the ability to collaborate with other people regardless of the operating system they use is a huge plus.

Doodly (Web Based) – An extremely affordable animation software with a much lower learning curve than most of the popular animation tools out there. This is an animation tool for the average joe.

Alternative to Doodly. It is more powerful but also more expensive.

Descript (Web Based) – This is the tool that I use to edit my audio recordings. It makes it a breeze to remove all of those pesky “ums and ahs” as well as adding a studio quality effect to your recordings. Learn more about Descript here.

Story Blocks – An awesome library of stock video footage on almost any topic imaginable that you can use in your videos.

Fiver (Freelance Service) –  A great place to find people to help you create or edit your faceless YouTube videos.

Canva (Web Based) – The premier web-based design tool. It’s extremely user friendly, affordable and has all the functionality you could need for creating images, slides, gifs or even full-fledged videos.  

TubeBuddy – An extremely powerful tool for optimizing your YouTube videos, researching topics and spying on other faceless YouTube channels.

Custom Thumbnails – A 3rd party service I started using in 2023. They create Thumbnails for me each month for my videos and blog posts. They are high quality and I get them back within 24 hours.

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