Personal Development

Master the Art of Summarizing: A Guide to Improving Your Summarizing Skills

Summarizing Skills is an important skill. Writing clear and concise summaries is very helpful for readers. You can condense a variety of data and information with a summary, giving your audience an overview of the main points of what they are about to read. A clear and concise summary provides readers with a basic knowledge of a work’s history, literature, and media. It also provides readers with a broad outline.

Believe us writing clear and concise summaries is a skill only some possess. But you can still learn this skill. This article will discuss tips to help you write clear and concise summaries.

What is a Summary?

A summary is a concise and comprehensive synopsis of a larger piece of writing. It is commonly used to present the main points of an article, book, or other forms of writing in a condensed format. Summaries are often used to provide a quick overview of a larger document or information for readers needing more time to read the whole thing. Summaries can be written in various styles, from formal academic writing to informal blog posts.

What is summarising skill?

Summarizing skills involve condensing and communicating the most important information or ideas from a longer text or speech clearly and concisely. It requires the reader or listener to identify the main points, key ideas, and important details of a piece of information and present them in a way that is easy to understand and remember.

Effective summarizing involves reading or listening carefully, identifying the central themes, and determining what is relevant and what is not. It requires an understanding of the context and purpose of the information and the ability to extract the most important details and communicate them accurately and succinctly.

Summarizing is useful in many different contexts, including academic and professional settings, where it can condense complex information into manageable and easily digestible chunks. It is also a valuable tool in everyday life, where it can help us to quickly and efficiently understand and remember important information.

Importance of Writing Clear and Concise Summaries

Writing summaries is a skill that comes in handy. With a summary, you can convey the main points of any document without putting the reader through the trouble of reading it entirely. Similarly, you can use summaries to get the document’s main points in a dumbed-down manner.

Clear and concise summaries can also help you save time when studying for exams. For example, if you are looking for a history exam, you can quickly skim through your notes and find the main points you need to know. This can save you the time of reading through long text chapters or trying to remember the details of each chapter.

In addition, writing clear and concise summaries can be helpful for professionals in the workplace. Summaries allow you to quickly convey information to colleagues or supervisors, saving time and ensuring everyone is on the same page. The ability to summarize an important document or conversation accurately and briefly can help you stand out from your peers and even give you a leg up in the job market.

4 Useful Tips for Improving Your Summarizing Skills

Find & Elaborate Key Points Separately

As we mentioned above, writing clear and concise summaries is a skill that allows people to understand long pieces of text/documents in less time.

A Guide to Improving Your Summarizing Skills : Find & Elaborate Key Points Separately

Identifying and separating the text’s key points is crucial to write a good summary. This allows for more accuracy in the summary and ensures the most critical issues are included.

To identify the main points of the text. Please look at the text and any subheadings it has, and note the main ideas expressed in each section. This will help you to break down the text into its most essential points.

Once the main points have been identified, the next step is elaborating on them separately. This means taking the main points and delving deeper into each one. For each main point, provide additional details and examples to explain the matter further. Make sure to include any critical facts related to the topic or help to add context to it.

Overall, identifying and separating the text’s key points and elaborating on each is an integral part of this process. Doing so will ensure that the summary is accurate and includes all the most crucial information.

Don’t Omit Important Details & Definitions

Omitting key details or definitions can lead to understanding and clarity. While it is vital to keep summaries short and to the point, skipping facts or definitions can lead to a lack of transparency. With the crucial details, readers may understand the overall message and draw the correct conclusions.

In addition, omitting details or definitions can lead to a lack of accuracy. Provide details or explanations to ensure the summary is complete and accurate.

That’s why, when writing summaries, it is vital to include all of the necessary details and definitions to ensure accuracy and clarity. While it may be tempting to omit details to keep the summary short, it is essential to remember that the more accurate and comprehensive the overview is, the better.

Including the necessary details and definitions allows the reader to understand the full context of the summary. It is also essential to use clear and concise language when writing summaries. This will make the information more accessible to readers and make it easier to comprehend.

For example, suppose you’re a student writing a chemistry research paper. In that case, you should include important definitions, formulas, laws, etc. Similarly, think you are writing a history paper. In that case, you should include the important dates and figures in the timeline.

Use Active Voice to Write Clear & Concise Summaries

Summarizing Skills: Use Active Voice to Write Clear & Concise Summaries

Using active voice is an essential part of writing clear and concise summaries. Active voice is when a sentence is structured with the subject performing the verb, while passive voice is when the verb is acting upon the subject. Active voice makes sentence construction more straightforward, allowing for a more transparent and precise summary.

Using an active voice in your writing helps to keep ideas concise, allowing for easy understanding by the reader. An active voice sentence usually contains fewer words and is simpler to read than one written in passive voice.

For example, “The car was driven by the man” is written in passive voice. This sentence is unnecessarily wordy and can be rewritten in active voice as “The man drove the car.” The active voice sentence is shorter, easier to understand, and more direct.

In addition, using active voice, in summary, can keep the narrative moving forward. When a summary contains too many passive-voice sentences, the flow of the narrative can become bogged down, and the reader may need clarification.

That’s why using an active voice in your writing is essential. Because doing this will allow the readers to focus on the main idea of the summary without being distracted by unnecessary details.

Use Online Tools To Write Clear and Concise Summaries of Your Text

As we already mentioned in the introduction of this article, writing a clear and concise summary can take time, especially if you’re pressed for time. Fortunately, you can use a few online tools to help write clear and concise summaries of your text. Let’s take a look at them:

Text Summarizer by Prepostseo:

The Text Summarizer by Prepostseo is an easy-to-use tool that can generate summaries in a few seconds. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze the text and create a summary. The tool can summarize both long and short documents expeditiously and efficiently.

The tool is also capable of extracting key phrases from the text. It can generate summaries based on user-defined parameters such as word count—the percentage of the original text to be included in the summary.

To better understand how it works, we have taken a paragraph and summarized it. The result we got can be seen in the image below.

Text Summarizer by Prepostseo

Additionally, this tool is available in multiple languages, allowing users worldwide to summarize the text in their native language. Moreover, the tool also supports various file upload options for added flexibility.

Pros Cons

Prepostseo is also considered a popular tool for writing concise summaries. This tool allows users to summarize any text in eight different languages quickly. The tool is designed to help users quickly get to the gist of a document without having to read the entire text.

Using this tool is quite simple. Users copy and paste their text into the text box, choose their language, and click “Summarize.” The tool will then analyze the text and extract the most important sentences from the text. And then compiles these sentences into a summary that is typically a fraction of the original length. To illustrate this, we have attached an image below.


This summarizing tool is helpful for students and professional users who need to comprehend the contents of a document quickly. Students can use the tool to summarize lengthy texts for their research papers promptly. In contrast, professionals can use it to grasp the main points of reports and presentations quickly.

Pros Cons


Difference between Summarizing and Paraphrasing

While both summarizing, and paraphrasing involve rephrasing information in one’s own words, there is a subtle difference between the two.

Summarizing involves condensing the main points of a text or speech into a shorter version that accurately captures the essence of the original. A summary typically includes only the most important information, omitting minor details and examples. Summaries are often shorter than the original text or speech and provide a brief overview of a longer piece of information.

Paraphrasing, on the other hand, involves restating information from the original text or speech in a new way while maintaining the same meaning. A paraphrase may be longer or shorter than the original and often includes more details and examples than a summary. Paraphrasing is useful when the original wording is difficult to understand or needs clarification for a specific audience.

In summary, summarizing is about capturing the most important points in a condensed form, while paraphrasing is about restating the original information in a new way while retaining the same meaning. Both skills are important in effective communication, but they serve different purposes and are used in different contexts.

Final Words

Writing a clear and concise summary can be a challenge. But following the tips mentioned above, you can learn to craft effective summaries. Make sure to include only the most relevant details, and structure your summary in a logical way that is easy to follow. Avoid introducing new information or making conclusions not supported by the original document.

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