Personal Development

How I’m Upgrading My Entire Life This Year (In 4 Phases)

I’ve been influenced a lot by TikTok lately – and I hate to admit that it’s influencing me to re-enter my material girl era.

It’s inspired me to start upgrading all aspects of my life, starting with my makeup routine.

But I’m a girl on a budget, so I’ve had to figure out how to make upgrades and improvements in my lifestyle without breaking the bank.

Not everything that is an “upgrade” needs to be expensive or cost money at all.

And sometimes, it’s just about using those items you already have! For example, one of my upgrade areas is my shower routine and I already have a dry brush and products I’ve been neglecting that will upgrade my routine at no cost!

Or it could be something as simple as going to a coffee shop instead of working from home, one day a week.

It’s a mindset and can be used to manifest the things you want in life. Just start seeking out upgrades for your life, because why not? If some part of your life can be upgraded and feel better to you and make you feel more confident or inspired, do it!

Let’s get into the four phases of how I’m upgrading my life, slowly, this year – and how you can follow the same process if you want to do the same!

Phase 1: Declutter (inventory check!)

Get rid of the things that need major upgrading, or make a note to get rid of them when you’re able to replace them.

Make notes on what can be fixed versus what needs replacing.

Category Examples:

  • Toss & Replace with Upgrade
  • Toss without Replacing
  • Give Away & Replace with Uprade
  • Give Away & Don’t Replace
  • Keep

For example, some items for me that need replacing and upgrading are:

  • Bras
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • A pair of leggings

Ask yourself:

  • Based on my wash cycle, how many do I really need?
  • What amount do I currently have that are in a good condition? (ie. do they make you feel confident?)
  • Is there a way to get them in better condition without buying something new?
    • Can you get them altered?
    • If there’s a hole, can you sew it?

Phase 2: Define the categories that need upgrading

This is where the “upgrading” for the year comes in, because we’re gonna make a specific list for each category.

On my list:

  • Makeup (new makeup products, watching TikTok tutorials) ✔️
  • Hair (new shower head, shampoo & conditioner) ✔️
  • Skincare (got some new samples to try from Sephora) ✔️
  • Body care (new moisturizer, using dry brushing before shower) ✔️
  • Underwear, socks, etc. (replace all ripped items)
  • Workout things (need better tops ✔️, one more pair of good quality leggings, weights and maybe a walking pad?)
  • Clothing / my wardrobe overall (this will definitely take the most time & assessment)
  • Morning routine (add in smoothies ✔️, ice rolling and sculpting ✔️, add in more supplements)
  • Evening routine (using existing products more, face masks, essential oil diffuser)
  • Home space (new plants, more lamps so I can stop using overhead lighting)

Once you have the general list, you can get into more nitty gritty details. Feel free to map them all out, or start with one at a time.

You could create a note with each section & the items you want to upgrade.

For example, here’s a glimpse of mine:

Phase 3: Do research

This process can take time because we want to be intentional with all of our purchases. The last thing I want to do is just buy more things that don’t work or that I won’t use!

This is where we’re gonna get even more specific about what we need to purchase or buy!

Decide which pieces need to be investments and which ones you can get on a budget!

For example, I watched a ton of makeup tutorials to figure out how to do makeup. I watched some “dupes” videos to see which items were really worth the hype and which weren’t. Some things I bought with a Sephora gift card, and other items I could grab at Target.

Make a list, and if you’ll need to save up, you can include the amount of the product.

Phase 4: Start with one area

It’s very easy to go HAM on this, and I’ll admit that I went more overboard than I should have – because as of writing this, we’re in February and I’ve already taken care of several areas. But, you do you! Whatever pace works for you and your budget.

As long as you’re being intentional, I think this can be done however and at whatever pace you want. Ideally, you’re able to sit with purchases before spontaneously buying things though!

I’m definitely still slowly adding upgrades in more small areas, as I think of them.

Once you’ve mapped out what you’re looking for, you can look for them while you’re out shopping and only buy from things that are on your list.

It’s such a fun process – and I’d love to hear from you if you decide to go on an “upgrade” spree this year too!

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