Personal Development

How To Deal With Stupid People

stupid people

Are you tired of dealing with people who you find to be stupid or difficult to handle? While it may be frustrating to interact with individuals who seem irrational, stubborn, or annoying, the truth is that we have to deal with all kinds of people in our daily lives.

Let’s face it, nobody enjoys dealing with stupid people.

Unfortunately, most of us have to interact with people who we find to be “stupid” on a daily basis. However, there are some effective tips to handle these so-called “stupid people” in a friendly and effective way, while minimizing conflict and hostility.

But first, what do we mean by “stupid”? Without being too judgmental, we can all agree that everyone has varying degrees of intelligence and skills in certain domains of life. The wizard mathematician may be socially inept, the virtuoso guitar player may be scientifically illiterate, and the all-star athlete may be emotionally immature.

As Albert Einstein once said, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” So, it’s important to acknowledge that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

Despite our differences, we must learn to deal with “stupid people” every now and then. Here are essential tips and advice to keep in mind.

Try to see from their worldview

Empathy is our ability to think and feel from another person’s perspective. It is one of the best ways to diminish hostility and intolerance toward others.

When we actively step outside of our limited worldview, and instead look through the eyes of others, we often find that their perspective isn’t as irrational or nonsensical as we first thought.

Everyone has their own map of reality that they use to navigate their world. Once you understand someone’s map, you also understand why they think, feel, and behave the way they do.

This doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, but you have to at least understand where they are coming from.

Acknowledge their strengths

We should strive to find the good in everyone.

“Stupid people” can often have their own strengths and talents that we aren’t aware of. According to the jagged principle, everyone has both strengths and weaknesses – often people are “below average” in one domain in life while “above average” in another.

The simple truth is everyone has the capacity to become really good at something, especially when they find an activity that they have an intrinsic interest and passion for. A teenager may struggle with school work, but be a mastermind at a specific video game. It depends on where they devote their time, energy, and attention.

The key is being able to identify the strengths, skills, and talents of everyone. So, the next time you find yourself labeling someone as “stupid,” see it as a personal challenge to find something good about that person.

Be respectful for no good reason

Sometimes, it’s worth it to just be respectful and tolerant for no other reason than to keep the peace and stay civilized as human beings, especially at home or work.

Instigating conflict rarely ends well, even when we truly believe we are smarter and more capable than the other person. Sometimes, a simple smile and nod of the head is all you need to do to diffuse your ill feelings.

Don’t underestimate the power of silence. When someone says something astronomically dumb, you don’t need to respond to it. Just let it slide.

As the apocryphal Mark Twain quote goes, “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

If you absolutely have to – just walk away

It’s perfectly alright not to get along with everyone. Sometimes “walking away” is the best solution for both people.

It’s possible that you will cross paths with people who are absolutely unbearable. It happens. We are a very diverse species – with different personalities, values, interests, and goals – so it makes sense that there will be certain people who you just won’t mesh with no matter how hard you try.

In such cases, the smartest thing you can do is just ignore the other person, break any contact with them, and avoid conflict as much as possible.

The best way to achieve peace is sometimes through separation, rather than trying to force ourselves to like someone.


In conclusion, dealing with “stupid people” can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. It’s something we must all learn how to do.

By trying to see from their worldview, acknowledging their strengths, being respectful, and walking away if necessary, you can handle these situations in a more constructive and friendly manner.

Learn to spot the early signs of when things are turning into heated arguments and learn to defuse situations before they spiral out of control.

Of course even the best-intentioned people still make mistakes and let the moment get the best of them. Forgive yourself, move on, and try to put your best foot forward in the future.

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