Personal Development

How to Choose the Best Automation Testing Company

black computer keyboardThe need to turn to an outsourcing company for automatic testing can arise in any business if it releases its own software product. For example, it could be a smartphone app or desktop app, web application, or API. Keeping your own team of testers in the staff does not make sense when such a product is released occasionally. And then the question arises before the management of the company: what criteria should be used to select a test automation company?

What Is Important to Consider When Contacting a Software Testing Company?

Availability of Specialists in Automated Testing

Automated testing is by far the most promising because it allows to:

● reduce testing time that gives the opportunity to start marketing campaigns of your future product earlier. Automated testing cuts the time to complete testing tasks almost twice

● run tests multiple times and more frequently thanks to the possibility to execute repeatable tests

● change your product codes or update it more often if necessary due to easier application of regression testing

● protect your apps against errors made due to the inattention of testers thanks to the exclusion of the human factor

However, in some cases, manual testing should be preferred. Therefore, check with the company in what modes it performs tests.

A Model for Involving Testers in the Workflow

The QA outsourcing company must be flexible and take into account the preferences of the customer regarding the interaction model within the framework of a joint project:

● if the firm prefers that all work be done in its office buildings, testers should be prepared to travel to the site

● if, on the contrary, the company is satisfied with the remote form of cooperation, they must have all the necessary equipment for remote work

● various mixed forms of cooperation should also be readily considered

Experience in Other Projects

The more experience your chosen outsourcing company has in testing various software products, the more confident you can be about the quality of the final product. It is also desirable that testers have experience working on software in different business domains, which provides a broader vision and an easy search for solutions.

Experience in Testing at All Stages of Software Development

Each stage of software development has its own specifics. An App that works great on developers’ computers can cause a lot of problems on often imperfect end-user devices. Therefore, a situation should not arise when the work is handed over and paid for, the application works excellently, but the market launch turns into a disaster due to consumer complaints. In such a negative scenario, they can instantly give it negative publicity through reviews on the Internet.

Perfect Testing of Your Software Products by Zappletech

Whatever software product you would like to offer to your customers, Zappletech will be able to test all its types at all stages of development:

● Mobile apps

● Application API

● Web apps

10 years of testing experience and work in about 50 various projects guarantee you the high quality of all testing work. Among the industries in which software products have been developed with the help of automatic testing provided by Zappletech, are the following:

● Financial services

● Healthcare

● E-commerce

● Accommodation and travel

Whatever type of testing you need, Zappletech has the best specialists to perform it:

● Functional and regression testing

● Performance, integration and security testing

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a team that will test applications, on which you have so many hopes, study the reviews of former clients of the outsourcing QA company. They will perfectly demonstrate to you all the strong and weak sides of a considered company. And the reviews on automated testing performed by Zappletech are just excellent!

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