
35 Peter Drucker Quotes to Help You Execute Like a CEO

Grant Cardone is the CEO of Cardone Capital, and one of the most in demand motivational speakers on success, leadership, and entrepreneurship. He’s also a highly successful entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule, and over 10 other books. In addition to this, he owns seven privately held companies and has managed to build a real estate portfolio valued over $5 billion. To be sure, Grant Cardone knows what it takes to achieve massive success. And he knows that success is our duty, obligation, and responsibility. Which is why we’ve created this powerful list of Grant Cardone quotes.

“Success Is Your Duty, Obligation, and Responsibility.” 

Our aim is to share with you just enough of Grant Cardone’s legendary advice to get you to take massive action on you dreams and goals. So, give them a read, let his words charge you up, and then allow them to inspire you to succeed. You ready? Let’s Go!

100+ Legendary Grant Cardone Quotes to Help Create Massive Success in Your Life

Best Grant Cardone Quotes on Success

1. “Weak and overwhelmed individuals respond to other’s success by attacking it.” – Grant Cardone

2.Cashflow is not bragging rights. It’s financial freedom.” – Grant Cardone

3. “If you are not creating new problems for yourself, then you are not taking enough action.” – Grant Cardone

4. “Be nice to people. It doesn’t cost anything.” – Grant Cardone

5. “Receiving criticism is a surefire sign that you are well on your way.” – Grant Cardone

6. “The dictionary defines the term “obsessed” as “the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, or desire.” Although the rest of the world tends to treat this mind-set like a disease, I believe that it’s the perfect adjective for how you must approach success.” – Grant Cardone

7. “A little imagination combined with massive action goes a long way.” – Grant Cardone

8. “You cannot blame your family for keeping you from the success you deserve. They should be the reason why you want to succeed.” – Grant Cardone

9. “I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” – Grant Cardone

10. “Be obsessed or be average.” – Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone Inspiration

11. “People’s failure to think big enough usually means they will never act big enough, often enough, or persistently enough!” – Grant Cardone

12. “Companies, industries, artists, products, and individuals who continue into the future successfully art those who approach every activity with the outlook that average is just not good enough.” – Grant Cardone

13. “Let your friends, family, and work associates know that you treat average like a terminal disease.” – Grant Cardone

14. Forward thinkers don’t copy. They don’t compete – they create.” – Grant Cardone

15. “Have a higher purpose than money.” – Grant Cardone

16. “Great sales people build value.” – Grant Cardone

17. “I would rather die in expansion than die in contraction. I would rather fail pushing forward than in retreat.” – Grant Cardone

18. “Quit settling for reality and focus on your potential.” – Grant Cardone

19. “Anyone who minimizes the importance of success to your future has given up on his or her own chances of accomplishment and is spending his or her life trying to convince you to do the same.” – Grant Cardone

20. “Born broke is not the issue, staying broke is.” – Grant Cardone

21. “Fathers are our first influencers.” – Grant Cardone

22. “You don’t have time an money because you don’t invest time and money.” – Grant Cardone

23. “Don’t rest and don’t stop – ever. Most valuable chips you have are your mind-set, actions, persistence, and creativity.” – Grant Cardone

24. “Commit to the income, not the problem.” – Grant Cardone

25. “Never set realistic goals; you can get a realistic life without setting goals for it.” – Grant Cardone

26. “Those who do nothing will insist to their friends and family that they are happy and content and that all is right with them, which only serves to confuse everyone because it is evident that they are not living up to their full potential.” – Grant Cardone

27. “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” – Grant Cardone

28. “A person is obviously going to excel and do best in those areas in which he or she invests the most attention and takes the most action.” – Grant Cardone

29. “To maintain your enthusiasm, you have to make your goals substantial enough that they keep your attention.” – Grant Cardone

30. “Doubt is your enemy.” – Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone Quotes - Doubt Is The Enemy

31. “Never cut anything, never dilute greatness, never pull back on your horsepower, and never put a limit on your ambition, drive, and passion.” – Grant Cardone

32. “The single biggest financial mistake I’ve made was not thinking big enough. I encourage you to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.” – Grant Cardone

33. “Success tends to bless those who are most committed to giving it the most attention.” – Grant Cardone

34. “Criticism is not something you want to avoid; rather, it’s what you must expect to come your way once you start hitting it big.” – Grant Cardone

35. “Never lower your target. Increase your actions.” – Grant Cardone

36. “One of the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people is that the former look for problems to resolve, whereas the latter make every attempt to avoid them.” – Grant Cardone

37. “You will not have a successful life surrounded by negative people.” – Grant Cardone

38. “Show up early, treat people with respect and perform at the highest levels till the world can’t deny you.” – Grant Cardone

39. “Your greatness is limited only by the investments you make in yourself.” – Grant Cardone

40. “Attitude is a choice.” – Grant Cardone

41. “Comfort makes more prisoners than all the jails combined.” – Grant Cardone

42. “Rich people don’t get rich by accident and poor people don’t stay poor by accident.” – Grant Cardone

43. “The world isn’t going to come and make your dreams come true.” – Grant Cardone

44. “Success is no different than any other skill. Duplicate the actions and mindsets of successful people and you will create success for yourself.” – Grant Cardone

43. “There is no shortage of money in this world. Start hustling.” – Grant Cardone

46. “Let the rest do whatever while you do whatever it takes.” – Grant Cardone

47. “Small thinking has and always will be punished in one way or another.” – Grant Cardone

48. “I don’t have time is the biggest lie you tell yourself.” – Grant Cardone

49. “Success is not the result of making money, money is the result of success.” – Grant Cardone

50. “If nobody hates you, nobody knows you.” – Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone Quote on Haters

Halfway There

You’re just about halfway there, but don’t stop now, because you never know which Grant Cardone quote will help you turn everything around.

Related: Grant Cardone Net Worth

51. “If you hang out with people who are broke and in debt, you’ll be broke and in debt.” – Grant Cardone

52. “Complaining won’t get you a seat.” – Grant Cardone

53. “Never fear the haters, fear the weak that listen to them.” – Grant Cardone

54. “80% of success is showing up.” – Grant Cardone

55. “The hater is saying more about themselves than they are about you.” – Grant Cardone

56. “Only invest in income producing assets.” – Grant Cardone

57. “‘Stay just the way you are’, says the person unwilling to change.” – Grant Cardone

58. “Making money is a game most people just don’t know how to play.” – Grant Cardone

59. “People will pay more for a great attitude than they will for a great product. The individual who combines a great attitude with a great product. Becomes unstoppable!” – Grant Cardone

60. “Positivity = Possibility.” – Grant Cardone

61. “Does your money work as hard for you as you work for it?” – Grant Cardone

62. “You can make your money work for you, or you can make excuses, but you can’t make both.” – Grant Cardone

63. “Getting money requires intention, discipline, ethics, and continued interest in creating financial freedom.” – Grant Cardone

64. “People who look for shortcuts are blind to the real opportunities.” – Grant Cardone

65. “‘Money isn’t everything’ is code for ‘I’ve quit financially.’” – Grant Cardone

66. “If you are disregarding the importance of money in today’s world, you have given up.” – Grant Cardone

67. “Thinking big, dreaming big, and setting high goals and targets are great, but unrealistic if you are not disciplined. All of these targets will turn into failures if you do not get real with yourself sooner than later. YOU are in total control of your success, start acknowledging that.” – Grant Cardone

68.Money seems to flow to those who give it the most attention & take responsibility for it.” – Grant Cardone

69. “Never fear your haters. You can’t reach your potential without them.” – Grant Cardone

70.Lazy is a learned behavior.” – Grant Cardone

grant cardone quote on laziness

71. “Confidence is built by doing the right things, not buying things.” – Grant Cardone

72. Money can’t buy confidence. You become confident when you are disciplined and ethical.” – Grant Cardone

73. “Money doesn’t buy happiness. Poverty can’t buy anything.” – Grant Cardone

74. “There isn’t a shortcut to success. The people who get far in life go out there and work hard to make their goals a reality.” – Grant Cardone

75. “Your excuses might be legit but they won’t improve your life.” – Grant Cardone

76. “True wealth is not created by saving, it is created by expanding and investing.” – Grant Cardone

77. “Missing opportunities is what costs people money.”

78. “I’ve been betrayed, criticized, ripped off, copied, lied about, & sued. It all made me stronger.” – Grant Cardone

79. “You can make money by accident, but you can’t get wealthy by accident.” – Grant Cardone

80. “The only way to fail is to not show up.” – Grant Cardone

81. “Don’t lower your standards, be totally committed to your success and do whatever it takes. Get committed to having everything.” – Grant Cardone

82. “The only thing you should fear is a future where you didn’t take massive action.” – Grant Cardone

83. “The only way to get real freedom is to create massive success.” – Grant Cardone

84. “There is no shortage of money in this world, only a shortage of people going for it.”

85. “Think it, say it, do it, create it.” – Grant Cardone

85. “Your passive income should be greater than your earned income.” – Grant Cardone

87. “98% of the population should not have to compromise their morals to accommodate 2% of the population.”

88. “Every successful person has felt unsuccessful in their life. The difference is they didn’t quit.” – Grant Cardone

89. “Create an atmosphere of abundance, so that money is no longer the point.” – Grant Cardone

90. “Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.” – Grant Cardone

grant cardone quote on success is your duty

91. “You can’t get wealthy without connecting to other people. The more people you know, the more the deals will flow.” – Grant Cardone

92. “Everything happens because you did or didn’t do something. Nothing happens to you.” – Grant Cardone

93. “Once you start justifying falling short of your goals, you can kiss your dreams goodbye.” – Grant Cardone

94.Fear isn’t bad or something to avoid; conversely, it’s something you want to seek and embrace.”

95. “Always be looking for DEALS. You can make money on a deal you never buy.” – Grant Cardone

96. “Everyone forgets your losses when you win enough.” – Grant Cardone

97. “What others criticize are the very things they have given up on.” – Grant Cardone

98. “It doesn’t pay to wait! It pays to START!” – Grant Cardone

99. “If your money doesn’t work while you sleep, you’re never going to have any money.” – Grant Cardone

100. “No one knows what you are capable of. Not even you.” – Grant Cardone

cardone quote on your potential

101. “If you’re having financial trouble it’s because you have the wrong information.” – Grant Cardone

Related: Grant Cardone Success Story

Bonus Grant Cardone Quote

Bonus: Here’s one last Grant Cardone quote. We think it will serve you well if success is what you seek, because everything you want is on the other side of your persistence. Never give up!

“I Failed 1,000 Times And No One Knows It Cuz I Refused To Quit.”

– gratn cardone –

Final Thoughts

There you have it friends in success. The best of the best Grant Cardone quotes on achievement and success. Use these quotes as a catalyst to strive for your massive success.

And remember, if you want to be truly successful, or become a millionaire, you have to think like a millionaire, study millionaires, and take action like millionaires. So heed these 10x rule quotes, especially this one… “The person who takes action on whatever he or she fears the most will be the person who advances his or her cause the most.”

Now, let’s take some action today and make our dreams come true.

Till next time,


PS – If you’ve ever get around to reading any of Grant Cardone’s books, the one you should definitely start with is his hit book The 10X Rule.

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