Personal Development

Great Lessons Learned from Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn

“The major key to your better future is you.” — Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn is a name that needs no introduction when it comes to personal development. Often regarded as the father of modern-day personal development, Jim Rohn’s insights and wisdom have influenced millions of people all over the world.

Before Tony Robbins, there was Jim Rohn. In fact, Tony Robbins credits Jim Rohn as his mentor, and he worked with him for several years.

Jim Rohn’s message and teachings have stood the test of time and continue to inspire and impact people today.

His ideas and philosophies are timeless, evergreen, and have become the foundation of modern personal development. In this article, we will explore some of the great lessons learned from Jim Rohn that have the potential to change your life.

1. Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.

Success is a byproduct of personal growth and development, so the key to achieving it is to work on improving yourself and your abilities.

As you become a better, more capable person, success will naturally follow

2. Your income will seldom exceed your personal development.

the more you invest in yourself and improve your skills, knowledge, and habits, the more you will be able to earn and achieve in your career or business.

Personal development helps you become better equipped to handle challenges, take advantage of opportunities, and create value for others, which in turn can lead to higher income and greater success.

3. Formal education will make you a living, self-education will make you a fortune.

Self-education is the process of seeking out knowledge and learning new skills through experience, reading, and mentorship.

This kind of education is not limited to traditional academic subjects and can be focused on any area of life or business.

According to Rohn, by investing in your own self-education, you can develop the skills and knowledge you need to achieve greater success and reach your full potential in life.

4. The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it.

Setting a goal is not just about achieving the goal itself, but about the process of personal growth and development that happens along the way.

The effort and discipline required to achieve a goal help individuals become better versions of themselves, and this personal transformation is the true value of setting and accomplishing goals.

In other words, the goal serves as a catalyst for personal growth and development, and the process of striving towards it is what ultimately matters.

5. Success is not what you get but who you become.

Success is not just about achieving material possessions, wealth or status, but it is also about the person you become in the process of achieving those things.

It’s about developing the qualities and character traits such as discipline, persistence, focus, determination, and courage, which enable you to accomplish your goals and to become the person you want to be.

Ultimately, the real reward of success is not what you get but who you become as a result of your efforts.

6. You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.

It takes time and effort to reach a desired destination, but changing the course or direction of your actions and thoughts is something you can do immediately.

Taking consistent action towards your goals, and small changes in your actions and mindset can lead to significant results over time. It’s never too late to change course and make progress towards your goals.

7. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Discipline is the key to achieving success. It is the ability to consistently take action towards your goals, even when you don’t feel like it. Without discipline, you may have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, but you won’t be able to turn that vision into reality.

Discipline helps you stay focused and committed, and it helps you overcome obstacles and distractions that may come your way.

By maintaining discipline, you can bridge the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, and ultimately achieve your goals.

8. Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. 

Motivation refers to the drive or inspiration to start something, while habit refers to the consistent action or behavior that sustains the initial motivation.

In other words, while motivation can get you started on a task or goal, it is habit that enables you to stick with it over the long term.

Without developing good habits, motivation alone is not enough to achieve lasting success.

By emphasizing the importance of habit, Rohn is reminding us that consistent action is necessary to turn motivation into a sustainable and effective way of life.

9. You don’t have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference.

Small changes can have a significant impact on your life.

You don’t necessarily need to make drastic changes to improve your situation, but rather focus on making small, consistent improvements over time.

These small changes can accumulate and compound, leading to significant progress and growth in the long run.

10. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

Happiness is not something that can be achieved in the future by achieving certain goals, but rather, it can be designed in the present moment by making intentional choices and focusing on positive experiences and relationships.

It is about creating a fulfilling and satisfying life in the here and now, rather than constantly chasing after some future state of happiness.

11. Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

Personal development is key to achieving success in life. While working on your job is important, it’s equally important to invest time and effort in developing your skills, knowledge, and mindset.

By constantly working on improving yourself, you can become a better version of yourself and achieve more success in all areas of your life.

Rohn believed that personal development is the foundation for achieving true and lasting success, and that investing in yourself is the best investment you can make.

12. The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.

There are a small number of people who take action and pursue their dreams, while the majority of people simply watch from the sidelines and never take action.

The few who take action and achieve success become the envy of those who did not, and often serve as an inspiration for others to take action as well.

13. Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.  Don’t wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills.

Rather than focusing on external circumstances and hoping they will change to make things easier, Rohn encouraged individuals to focus on improving themselves and their skills to better navigate any challenges or difficulties they may face.

By becoming better, you can increase your capacity to handle whatever comes your way and achieve your goals.

14. You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.

You must take ownership of your life and actions, recognize your power to control your own destiny, and make the necessary changes to improve yourself instead of blaming external factors for your circumstances.

He believed that by changing yourself, you can change your reality and create the life you desire.

15. Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow.

It’s important to surround yourself with people who challenge you, push you to be your best, and help you grow, rather than seeking out people or situations that are comfortable or easy.

Being around people who are not striving to grow and improve themselves can limit your potential and stunt your personal development.

16. It is not what happens that determines the major part of your future. What happens, happens to us all. It is what you do about what happens that counts.

While we cannot control all events or circumstances, we can control how we react to them and take responsibility for our actions.

He suggests that our attitude, behavior, and choices in response to challenges and opportunities play a critical role in shaping our future.

17. Take care of your body; it’s the only place you have to live.

Your body is your vessel that carries you through life, and you must maintain it to ensure a good quality of life.

This involves getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and exercising regularly to keep your body in good condition.

18. Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.

Success is not always about doing something extraordinary or exceptional. Rather, it is about doing the things that most people consider ordinary or mundane in an exceptional way.

It’s about taking pride in every task, no matter how small, and striving to do it to the best of your ability. By doing this consistently, you can achieve extraordinary success in your life.

19. You can’t hire someone else to do your push-ups for you.

When it comes to personal growth and achievement, there are no shortcuts or substitutes for the hard work and effort required.

You can’t outsource your personal development or rely on others to do the work for you. Just like how you can’t hire someone else to do your physical exercise, you have to do the work yourself to see the results.

This quote emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility and being accountable for your own success.

20. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Surrounding yourself with positive, driven, and successful individuals.

Rohn believed that the people we associate with on a regular basis have a significant impact on our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, and that by surrounding ourselves with those who have achieved the things we aspire to, we are more likely to achieve those things ourselves.

Essentially, he was encouraging individuals to be intentional about choosing their inner circle, and to make sure that the people they spend time with are those who inspire and challenge them to be their best selves.

21. Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.

You should aim to live a big life, filled with purpose and passion, rather than settling for a small, mundane existence.

Rohn  advised against wasting time on petty arguments or minor setbacks, and instead taking control of one’s own destiny and shaping one’s own future.

He encouraged people to be proactive in pursuing their goals, rather than leaving their fate to chance or relying on others to take care of them.

22. How much money should you make?  As much as you can.

Jim Rohn believed that individuals should aim to make as much money as they possibly can by using their talents and skills to create value for others.

He believed that financial success was an important aspect of personal development, but emphasized that individuals should also focus on developing themselves in other areas of life, such as their relationships, health, and personal growth.

23. If you don’t like how things are, change it! You’re not a tree.

If you are unhappy with your current circumstances, you have the power to change them.

Unlike a tree, which is rooted in one place and cannot move, you have the ability to take action and create the life you desire.

It is a call to action to take responsibility for your own life and not be content with being stuck in an unpleasant situation.

24. Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.

Success is not just about achieving a certain goal or reaching a specific point in life.

Rather, it’s a continuous process of growth, improvement, and learning.

Success is about the journey of becoming the best version of oneself, and it’s a lifelong journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and continuous self-improvement.

25. We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

In life, we all have to deal with some sort of pain, and it’s up to us to choose the type of pain we want to deal with.

The pain of discipline comes from doing what we need to do, even if it’s hard, in order to achieve our goals and dreams.

On the other hand, the pain of regret comes from not doing what we know we should have done, and living with the consequences of that inaction.

Rohn believed that the pain of discipline is much easier to bear than the pain of regret, as it weighs much less on us in the long run.

26. The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.

Jim Rohn is highlighting the fine balance that a leader must maintain in their behavior and actions towards others.

A leader should be strong and assertive but should not be rude or disrespectful towards others.

They should also be kind and compassionate towards others but not to the point of weakness.

Similarly, leaders should be bold and confident in their decision-making but should not be overly aggressive or intimidating towards others.

They should also be thoughtful and proactive in their approach to work but not lazy or passive.

Leaders should remain humble and grounded in their attitude towards others but not to the point of being timid or hesitant in their decision-making.

Additionally, they should be proud of their achievements and accomplishments but should not come across as arrogant or self-centered.

Finally, leaders should have a sense of humor and be able to appreciate the lighter side of life without being foolish or making light of serious situations.

27. Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to action.

It is not enough to gain knowledge through learning, reading, or listening to others. We must also apply that knowledge and take action towards our goals.

Merely accumulating knowledge without taking action can lead to inaction, missed opportunities, and regret.

In other words, knowledge alone is not enough; it is the application of knowledge that creates real value and progress in our lives.

28. Your income is directly related to your philosophy, not the economy.

Your income is not dependent on external factors such as the economy or the job market, but rather on your personal philosophy or mindset.

In other words, how you think about money, wealth, and success has a direct impact on your income level.

For example, someone with a negative mindset towards money may be less likely to take risks or pursue opportunities that could increase their income, while someone with a positive and proactive mindset may be more likely to seek out opportunities and take action to increase their income.

Rohn’s message is that to increase your income, you need to focus on developing a strong and positive philosophy towards money and success.

29. We get paid for bringing value to the marketplace, and if we become more valuable, we will earn more money.

Jim Rohn emphasized the importance of creating value in the marketplace. The amount of money we earn is not solely determined by our job or the economy, but rather by the value we bring to the marketplace.

The more valuable we become, the more we can earn.

This can be achieved by improving our skills, knowledge, and abilities, and by continually finding ways to create more value for others.

In other words, our income is not limited by external factors, but rather by our own ability to bring value to others.

30. Motivation alone is not enough. If you have an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot.

Jim Rohn emphasized the importance of not only being motivated but also being skilled and knowledgeable in your endeavors.

Simply being motivated is not enough if you do not have the necessary skills or knowledge to make progress.

It’s crucial to pair motivation with a solid foundation of education, training, or experience to make meaningful progress towards your goals.

Without this balance, you may find yourself working hard but not achieving the desired results.

31. You cannot make progress without making decisions.

Making progress in any area of life requires making decisions. Without making decisions, one remains stuck in the same place and cannot move forward.

Decision-making is an essential skill that you must cultivate to achieve success in life.

Making decisions can be difficult and requires courage, but it is essential for growth and progress.

Whether it is deciding on a career path, a relationship, or a personal goal, making a decision is the first step towards achieving success.

To move forward in life, the key is to make decisions and take action towards your goals.

32. The only way it gets better for you is when you get better.

If you want to see improvements in your life, you must focus on improving yourself first. Rather than waiting for external circumstances to change or improve, it’s important to take ownership of your personal growth and development.

By continuously working on becoming a better version of yourself, you can create positive changes in your life and achieve your goals.

In essence, self-improvement is the key to achieving success and happiness.

33. The more you know the less you need to say.

When a person possesses a greater knowledge or understanding of a topic, they tend to speak less about it because they don’t feel the need to prove themselves or their knowledge.

Essentially, when a person is confident in their understanding of a topic, they don’t feel the need to speak extensively about it to prove their expertise.

They can simply rely on their knowledge and let their actions speak for themselves.

Additionally, those who speak less and listen more tend to learn more and have a better understanding of a given topic.

34. Don’t wait for inspiration. Be the inspiration.

Take ownership of your life and your actions.

Rather than waiting for external inspiration to come to you, you should focus on being a source of inspiration for yourself and for others.

This means taking proactive steps to pursue your goals and dreams, even when it’s difficult or you don’t feel motivated.

By being the inspiration, you can lead by example and inspire others to take action towards their own goals as well.

It’s a call to be a self-starter and to take responsibility for your own success and happiness.

35. Success is not a miracle. Nor is it a matter of luck. It’s simply a matter of application and dedication.

Success is not something that just happens magically or by chance.

It requires effort, focus, and determination.

Success comes from consistently applying yourself and being dedicated to the pursuit of your goals.

It’s not enough to just wish for success, it requires action and hard work.

36. The best gift you can give somebody is your own personal development.

Rohn says that he used to say, ‘If you will take care of me, I will take care of you.’ Later, he shifted to to say, ‘I will take care of me for you, if you will take care of you for me.’”

By developing yourself and improving your skills, knowledge, and abilities, you become more valuable to others, and you can contribute more to the world.

This is a gift that keeps on giving, as you continue to grow and learn, and can share your knowledge and expertise with others.

When you invest in your own personal development, you are not only benefiting yourself, but you are also benefiting those around you.

By becoming a better version of yourself, you can inspire others to do the same, and help them achieve their own personal and professional goals.

37. Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do.

Successful people are willing to put in the effort, take the necessary actions, and make the sacrifices required to achieve their goals.

In contrast, unsuccessful people may not be willing to do what is necessary to succeed.

This can include working hard, being disciplined, taking risks, learning from failure, and persisting through challenges.

Successful people understand that success requires effort, and they are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve their goals.

38. To be successful you have to do what you love and love what you do.

To truly be successful, you must have a passion for what you are doing. When you have a genuine love for something, it motivates you to work harder, be more creative, and find ways to overcome challenges.

This is in contrast to simply doing something for the sake of making money or because it is expected of you.

When you love what you do, you are more likely to have a positive attitude, be resilient in the face of obstacles, and be more satisfied with your accomplishments.

Essentially, it is about finding purpose and meaning in your work, which can lead to a more fulfilling life.

39. Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.

Rohn emphasized the importance of balancing contentment and ambition. It means that while we should always strive to achieve our goals and pursue what we want in life, we should also take the time to appreciate what we already have and be grateful for it.

Being happy with what we have doesn’t mean we should settle for less or stop striving for more, but rather, it means we should find joy and satisfaction in the present moment and our current circumstances while continuing to work towards our desired future.

It’s a reminder to not get so caught up in the pursuit of success that we forget to enjoy the journey and be grateful for what we already have.

40. You don’t get paid for the hour; you get paid for the value you bring to the hour.

Rohn highlighted the importance of creating value in what you do. It means that simply putting in time and effort is not enough to earn more money or achieve success.

Rather, it is about delivering value and making a difference in the time that you have.

For example, if you are a freelancer, you may be charging by the hour for your services.

However, if you can provide exceptional value and results in that hour, you are likely to be paid more and gain more clients.

Focus on creating value and impact in your work, which will ultimately lead to greater rewards and success.

41. Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out.

Have a well-defined personal philosophy to shape the outcomes of your life.

In essence, your personal philosophy is a set of beliefs, values, and principles that guide your decision-making and actions. It shapes how you perceive the world and your role in it and influences your behavior and the choices we make.

According to Rohn, your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life turns out because it sets the direction for your goals, dreams, and aspirations.

If your philosophy is positive, proactive, and growth-oriented, you are more likely to achieve success and fulfillment in life. Conversely, if your philosophy is negative, limiting, and defeatist, you are likely to struggle and fall short of your potential.

Ultimately, this lesson reminds you that you have the power to shape your life through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.

By developing a strong personal philosophy and living in accordance with it, you can create the life you truly desire.

42. Don’t wait for someone else to take action. Move forward yourself, even if you’re not yet ready or confident.

Take initiative and don’t wait for others to lead the way. It’s important to take action even if you don’t feel completely prepared or confident, because waiting for someone else to take the lead can result in missed opportunities.

By taking action and moving forward, you can gain experience, develop skills, and build confidence along the way.

This approach requires a willingness to step out of your comfort zone, embrace uncertainty, and take responsibility for your own success.

43. If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.

This lesson is about the power of motivation and commitment. If you have a strong desire to accomplish something, you will find a way to make it happen, even if there are obstacles or challenges in your path.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a strong enough desire or commitment to achieving a goal, you will likely make excuses for why you can’t or won’t do it.

In other words, your level of motivation and commitment is a key factor in whether or not you achieve your goals.

This lesson serves as a reminder to focus on your desire and commitment, rather than allowing excuses to hold you back from achieving what you want.

44. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.

Success is not something that happens overnight or by chance, but rather it is the result of consistently practicing a few simple disciplines or habits each day.

This lesson emphasizes the importance of having a routine and making small, consistent efforts towards your goals.

The idea is that by focusing on a few key habits and being disciplined in their practice, you can achieve great success over time.

This approach also emphasizes the idea that success is not just about talent or luck, but about putting in the effort and consistently making progress towards your goals.

45. Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow.

If you want to grow and improve yourself, you should avoid being in a comfortable or easy environment where you don’t face challenges or opportunities to learn.

Being in a group or environment that challenges you to grow and improve can be uncomfortable and difficult at times, but it can help you push past your limits and achieve greater success.

If you surround yourself with people who are complacent and not actively pursuing growth, you may find yourself becoming stagnant and not reaching your full potential.

Instead, seek out individuals and communities who are striving to improve themselves and their surroundings, and join them in their efforts.

This can help you gain new insights, develop new skills, and achieve greater success in all areas of your life.

46. Success is neither magical nor mysterious; it’s the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.

Success is not an elusive or unattainable concept. Instead, it is something that can be achieved by anyone who consistently applies the basic fundamentals of success. In other words, success is not about finding some secret formula or following some mysterious path.

It is about understanding and consistently applying the fundamental principles of success, such as hard work, discipline, and persistence.

This lesson suggests that anyone can be successful if they are willing to put in the effort and work to develop the habits and skills required for success.

47. If you want to be wealthy and happy, learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.

Personal development and growth is just as important, if not more important, than focusing solely on career or financial success.

Rohn believed that by investing time and effort in improving yourself, you can become more effective in all areas of life, including your career and financial endeavors.

By prioritizing personal growth, you can develop the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to achieve long-term success and fulfillment.

The message is don’t neglect your personal development while pursuing career or financial goals, as it can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling and successful life overall.

48. To succeed, you need to find something to hold onto, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.

This lesson emphasizes the importance of having a strong motivation and inspiration in order to achieve success.

Without a clear purpose or driving force, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated to pursue your goals.

By finding something that you deeply care about, whether it’s a personal mission, a cause, or a desire to achieve a certain level of success, you can tap into a source of energy and determination that will keep you going even in the face of challenges and obstacles.

This lesson suggests that in order to succeed, you need to identify and hold onto this motivating force, and use it to propel you towards your goals.

49. Learn to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.

This lesson from Jim Rohn speaks to the importance of balancing contentment and ambition in life.

It means that while it’s important to have aspirations and goals for the future, it’s also essential to appreciate and find happiness in what you currently have in life.

Instead of constantly focusing on what you lack, it’s important to take a step back and be grateful for the things you already have.

By being happy with what you have, you’re not settling for less, but rather, you’re acknowledging your current blessings and not taking them for granted.

At the same time, pursuing what you want is essential for growth and progress, as it gives you something to work towards and strive for.

In other words, balance is key in life, and learning to be content while also pursuing your dreams is a crucial component of that balance.

50. Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge, let your learning lead to action.

This lesson by Jim Rohn emphasizes the importance of taking action based on what you learn, rather than simply acquiring knowledge.

It’s not enough to learn and understand concepts, theories or ideas.

What really matters is what you do with that knowledge. It’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, without ever applying it to achieve a desired outcome.

Instead, we should focus on applying what we learn to make positive changes in our lives.

The key is to take consistent action toward our goals and aspirations, based on the knowledge we acquire. Only then can we turn our learning into meaningful results.

51. If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.

This lesson from Jim Rohn highlights the importance of taking risks in order to achieve success and greatness.

It suggests that if a person is content with the ordinary and not willing to step out of their comfort zone and take risks, they will never be able to achieve extraordinary things.

The “unusual” refers to those things that may be out of the ordinary, or require more effort, hard work, or courage. It can be anything from starting a new business, pursuing an unconventional career path, or taking on a challenging project.

By not being willing to take these risks, a person may settle for a comfortable, but unfulfilling life.

On the other hand, those who are willing to take risks and venture into the unknown are more likely to achieve their goals, experience personal growth, and lead a fulfilling life.

This quote encourages individuals to step out of their comfort zone, take risks, and pursue their dreams, no matter how unusual or challenging they may seem.

52. The major value in life is not what you get; it’s what you become.

This lesson from Jim Rohn suggests that the ultimate measure of success and fulfillment in life is not just about material possessions or achievements, but rather about personal growth and development.

The things we acquire in life, such as wealth, status, and possessions, are temporary and fleeting, but the person we become through the process of acquiring them is what truly matters.

Therefore, the focus should be on developing ourselves as individuals, becoming better versions of ourselves, and making a positive impact on the world around us.

In short, the major value in life is who we become, not what we acquire.

53. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it’s something you design for the present.

This lesson from Jim Rohn is about the importance of actively creating your own happiness in the present moment, rather than waiting for some future event or circumstance to bring it to you.

It suggests that happiness is not something that can be put off until a later time or achieved simply by external factors such as wealth or success, but rather it is a state of mind that can be intentionally designed and cultivated.

This lesson highlights the importance of taking responsibility for your own happiness and making conscious decisions to create a life that brings joy and fulfillment. It emphasizes that happiness is not something that can be obtained passively, but rather it requires deliberate action and effort on your part.

In short, this lesson encourages you to take control of your own happiness and to live a life that reflects your values, passions, and desires in the present moment.

54. The best motivation is self-motivation.

The strongest and most effective form of motivation comes from within yourself. It is about finding the drive and determination to accomplish your goals and pursue your dreams without relying on external sources for motivation.

Self-motivation is essential because it empowers you to take control of your life and pursue the things that truly matter to you. It is the fuel that drives you forward even when the going gets tough, and the one thing that you can always rely on to keep you moving in the right direction.

The power of self-motivation lies in the fact that it is a deeply personal and authentic form of motivation. It is based on your own unique goals, values, and desires, rather than on external factors like money, status, or approval from others.

By tapping into your own internal motivation, you can achieve things that you never thought possible and live a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

55. I used to say, ‘I sure hope things will change.’ Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.

Instead of hoping for external circumstances to change in your life, you should focus on changing yourself to create positive change.

Rohn suggests that we have the power to change our situations by changing our own attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, rather than relying on outside forces to change for us.

In essence, you must take personal responsibility for your life and actively work towards our own growth and development.

56. One of the best places to start to turn your life around is by doing whatever appears on your mental ‘I should’ list.”

Rohn said we all have a list of things we know we should be doing but have been putting off.

These could be things like exercising regularly, eating healthy, making more time for family and friends, or pursuing a hobby.

By starting to tackle the items on this list, we begin to take control of our lives and make positive changes.

The act of following through on these things can lead to a sense of accomplishment, which can give us the confidence and motivation to continue making progress in other areas of our lives.

57. You can choose to be all, or you can choose to be less. Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?

Jim compares our ability to choose to grow in life to that of a tree:

“Every life form seems to strive to its maximum except human beings. How tall will a tree grow? As tall as it possibly can.

Human beings, on the other hand, have been given the dignity of choice.

You can choose to be all, or you can choose to be less.

Why not stretch up to the full measure of the challenge and see what all you can do?”

Every living organism except humans strive to reach their maximum potential. While trees will grow as tall as they can, humans have the choice to reach their full potential or settle for less.

Rohn challenges you to stretch yourself to your full capacity and take on challenges to see how much you can achieve. He emphasizes the importance of choice and how it plays a significant role in personal growth and development.

58. Human beings have the remarkable ability to turn nothing into something. They can turn weeds into gardens and pennies into fortunes.

Humans possess the unique ability to transform seemingly worthless things or situations into something valuable or meaningful.

By using their creativity, resourcefulness, and hard work, they can turn even the most challenging circumstances into opportunities for growth and success.

The reference to turning “weeds into gardens” and “pennies into fortunes” emphasizes the power of human ingenuity and the potential for great achievement through determination and perseverance.

59. Take time to gather up the past so that you will be able to draw from your experiences and invest them in the future.

Learn from your past experiences and use them to create a better future.

By reflecting on and gathering lessons from your past experiences, you can gain valuable knowledge and insights that can guide your decisions and actions in the future.

The past can serve as a valuable resource to draw from, allowing you to make wiser choices and investments that can help you achieve greater success and fulfillment in life.

Essentially, taking the time to reflect on your past and learn from it can help you to build a stronger foundation for a better future.

60. Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will be being frustrated by it.

Shift your perspective from being frustrated with challenges and obstacles to being fascinated by them.

When you are fascinated, you are more curious and open-minded, which allows you to learn more and find solutions to problems.

By learning from your experiences, you can develop the skills and knowledge to overcome obstacles in the future, and turn frustration into fascination.

61. We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.

We all have a choice in how we live our lives. We can either just make enough money to get by and survive, or we can actively design and create a life that is fulfilling and enjoyable.

It’s about taking control of our lives and actively making choices that will lead us to a better future, rather than just accepting what life hands us.

It encourages us to strive for more than just the bare minimum, and to create a life that aligns with our values and aspirations.

62. Don’t borrow someone else’s plan. Develop your own philosophy and it will lead you to unique places.

It’s important to develop your own approach to life and work, rather than relying on someone else’s ideas or plans.

By developing your own philosophy, you can create a personalized roadmap for achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life.

This means that you can take control of your own destiny and create a path that is uniquely suited to your own strengths, interests, and values.

Rather than following someone else’s blueprint for success, you can chart your own course and find success on your own terms.

63. Be a student of your own life.  Keep a journal.

As Jim Rohn put it:

“It is challenging to be a student of your own life, your own future, your own destiny.

Don’t trust your memory.

When you listen to something valuable, write it down.

When you come across something important, write it down.

Take the time to keep notes and to keep a journal.”

When it comes to personal development, it’s essential to be a student of your own life, future, and destiny.

One way to become a better student is to keep a journal or take notes. You see, we can’t always trust our memory, and important insights can slip away if we don’t capture them.

So, when you come across valuable information or have a powerful realization, write it down!

By keeping a journal, you’ll have a record of your thoughts, insights, and goals. This record will help you track your progress, see patterns in your behavior, and keep yourself accountable.

Plus, when you’re feeling stuck or uncertain, you can turn to your journal for inspiration and guidance.

So, remember, take the time to keep notes and to keep a journal. It’s an essential tool for personal development, and it will help you create the life you truly want.

64. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

The people you spend the most time with have a significant impact on who you are as a person. Your values, beliefs, habits, and behaviors are heavily influenced by those around you, especially the ones you spend the most time with.

If you surround yourself with people who are positive, ambitious, and successful, you are more likely to adopt their qualities and be inspired to pursue your own goals.

On the other hand, if you spend time with people who are negative, unmotivated, and lack direction, it can bring you down and hinder your own personal growth.

Therefore, it is important to choose your friends and associates wisely, as they can greatly impact the trajectory of your life.

Power Your Journey of Greatness with Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn’s teachings continue to inspire people all over the world. His insights on personal development, success, and happiness have become timeless and evergreen.

From his emphasis on discipline and goal-setting to his belief in the power of personal philosophy, Jim Rohn’s lessons have transformed the lives of millions.

He has shown us that success is not a destination but a journey, and that we must constantly work on ourselves to achieve our goals.

Jim Rohn’s legacy will continue to inspire and guide us for years to come, and his teachings will remain relevant and valuable for generations to come.

The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

This is an incredible audio collection of Jim Rohn’s greatest hits all on one library:

The Ultimate Jim Rohn Library

Jim Rohn Library

I’ve enjoyed listening to Jim Rohn on so many road trips.

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