
Dan Lok’s Net Worth (2023) and How He Built It

Grant Cardone is one of the biggest names in the world when it comes to entrepreneurship, the hustle, and making money. He’s been motivating and inspiring people for years now, on how to take charge of their life and business to find the success they seek. As the founder of the 10X Movement, an international speaker, best selling author If You’re Not First, You’re Last, and as a savvy-investor, he’s managed to build up a sizeable and impressive net worth over the years.

So, that’s exactly what this page will be highlighting, Grant Cardone’s net worth and his current earning power. And, just for good measure we’ll also include a few fun facts related to his success and influence over the years. So, if you’re ready to learn about the size of Cardone’s massive fortune and how he built it, then let’s dive right in.

What Is Grant Cardone’s Net Worth?

grant cardone net worth

You’ve probably been wondering whether Grant Cardone is a millionaire or a billionaire. In fact, many people seem to be hotly debating this issue across the web. Well, we have your answer right here.

First things first, in the past, Grant Cardone’s estimated net worth has been recorded on various sites across the web to be around $300 million to $600 million. However, just before his appearance on the hist show ‘Undercover Billionaire’, he self-disclosed his net worth as just being shy of a billion, but that was back in 2020.

That said, Cardone’s has also revealed rough estimates and breakdowns of his assets compared to his debt on a handful of occasions, to demonstrate his net worth. As such, as of 2023, Grant Cardone’s net worth is estimated to be between $1.3 billion and $2.6 billion. [1], [2]

How Much Does Cardone Make a Year?

There are various mentions of Grant Cardone’s annual earnings, however none of them are from reputable sources. And the mentions of how much he makes per year are from years ago. As such, we can not provide a definitive amount for how much he makes per year. However, even without these numbers, we still plan on providing you with Grant Cardone’s hypothetical money metrics based off his high-end estimated net worth of $2.6 billion alone. So, if you’ve ever wondered how much does Grant Cardone make a day, month, or even a year, our metric will give you a rough estimate.

To get to this number, we will assume Grant Cardone is a savvy enough investor to earn an annual 4.5% yield on his combined $2.6 billion net worth (which by the way 4.5% is not too difficult to accomplish, especially considering historical returns on safe investments have typically fallen between the 3% to 5% range annually).

So, if Grant Cardone hypothetically liquidated all of his assets and then moved all of them into a strong REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) like O or STOR, or his own Cardone Capital, which is essentially a REIT, his annual earnings with a modest 4.5% annual yield would turn out to be roughly $117 million per year. 

Grant Cardone’s Money Metrics

Money Metric Amount
2023 Net Worth: $2,600,000,000
**Earnings Per Year: $117,000,000
Per Month: $9,750,000
Per Week: $2,250,00
Per Day: $321,428
Per Hour: $13,392
Per Min: $223
Per Sec: $3.7

Note: this is a hypothetical (but very possible) earnings Metric based off of the earning power of Grant Cardone’s estimated net worth alone.  It does not include how much he potentially earns from projects, sponsorships, or social media, etc. Again, this calculation is for entertainment purposes only.

Grant Cardone’s Social Media Influence

Have you ever wondered how much Grant Cardone makes on social media? If so, here’s a breakdown of his social media reach, and how much he could potentially earn from social media alone.

First things first; Grant Cardone has 4.3 million Instagram followers, 6.8 million Facebook Followers, 2.39 million YouTube subscribers, and 1 million Twitter followers. This comes out to approximately 14.5 million social media followers.

That said, according to current social media marketing prices for macro influencers like Grant Cardone, his social media reach is approximately worth $140,000 per sponsored post.

Key Cardone Facts: 

  • Grant Cardone was born March 21, 1958 in Lake Charles, Louisiana U.S.A.
  • Grant Cardone investment philosophy is that everyone should rent where they live. In other words NOT become a homeowner. His belief is that renting where you live, and then investing in properties only to rent out to others, is the most optimal investment strategy for getting rich.
  • Grant Cardone got married at the age of 36, but his first marriage ended after 12 months.
  • Cardone married again at the age of 46, to Spanish model and actress Elena Lyons.
  • He has two children with Elena, and they have properties across the country.
  • Grant Cardone became a millionaire at the age of 30.
  • He most likely achieved billionaire status at the age of 63.
  • Cardone managed to turn a $3,000 investment into $5 Billion in real estate portfolio.
  • Cardone’s first job was working as a busboy for a country club.

How Did Grant Cardone Become So Rich and Successful?

Grant Cardone was the youngest of five children and was raised by his mother after his father died at the age of 10. He experienced a rough upbringing, and went through the perils of drug addiction for close to a decade. But fortunately, he eventually decided to turn his life around at the age of 25.

Grant Cardone would then go on to find his initial success as a Car Salesmen. After realizing the power of self-education, he went on to become one of the best sales people in the automobile sales industry.

However, after abruptly losing his job in the industry, he chose to create his own sales consulting business. Leveraging his growing sales skills, sheer willpower, work ethic, and an obsession with success, he managed to rapidly grow his new business.

Grant Cardone Worth

Increase The Cashflow Spread The Risk

Cardone then managed to compound his success by leveraging just about ever dollar he earned. His first investment was a single family home he purchased in Houston, TX.

But, he quickly learned that single family rentals come with a bit more risk, after losing his first tenant (and thus cashflow) after only a few months into his investment journey.

From this point forward, Grant’s focus would be on spreading his risk by investing in Cash flowing multi-family units. As a big believer in cashflow, Cardone would then begin to habitually invest almost every single dollar that didn’t cover his minimum living expenses, into his real estate investments.

And it was this level of obsession with investing that would eventually help him become a millionaire by the age of 30. Cardone has since built up a $5 billion real estate portfolio, created multiple businesses from the ground up, and authored multiple motivational and success-oriented books.

He’s also been able to compound his success and earning ability by becoming a prominent business influencer who runs one of the largest annual business conferences in the world (the 10x growth conference), and by becoming one of the most recognized and in-demand sales trainers in the world.

For a more detailed account of Grant Cardone’s “Rags to Riches” story and how he became so successful, be sure to check out this inspiring account of Grant Cardone Success Story.

Grant Cardone on Success

Now the details above are merely a nutshell explanation of Cardone’s success journey. However, if you are still looking for more insights about his success, then there is no better place to learn about it then straight from the man himself.

So, here are a some of Grant Cardone’s most insightful success tips that he’s stated or mentioned over the years about what has made him a self-made man:

Related: Grant Cardone Quotes on Success

More Success Insights

If you’re looking for even more Grant Cardone success insights then you’ll want to make sure your watch this short video. It’s chockfull of success tips that Grant himself believes made him into the highly successful and uber-rich success icon he is today. Enjoy!

Video Credit: Grant Cardone (Subscribe to His Channel)

Start Stacking Paper Like Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone is a money-making force to be reckoned with, as he proved in the Discovery Channels ‘Undercover Billionaire’ challenge. Having managed to turn $100 into $5.5 million dollars in under 90 days, it’s no wonder that his net worth is as large as it is today.

With that said, you can build wealth like Grant Cardone as well. He’s teaches his techniques on his YouTube channel all the time, so consider subscribing to his channel. If you pay close attention you’ll be able to gleam many of his wealth building strategies just by watching what he says.

In addition to this, you can simply study how he operated in his appearance in ‘Undercover Billionaire’ as well. And then apply the tactics and strategies he employed to your own situation.

No doubt you’ll learn how to “stack paper” and start building a fortune, just like Grant Cardone.

Key Takeaways

 Here are some key takeaways from this Grant Cardone net worth profile page:

  • Grant Cardone Net Worth:  $2.6 billion
  • Annual Earnings **:  $117 million
  • Social Media Followers:  14.5 million
  • Social Media Earning Power: $140K per sponsored post
  • Keys to Success:  Obsession, Investing in Yourself, Investing in Real Estate

Grant Cardone’s sizeable net worth is directly related to his obsession with success and growing his net worth. There is a saying that goes like this, “what you focus on expands. ” And Grant Cardone has demonstrated that an intense focus on succeeding, on improving, and on “stacking paper” as he calls it, will eventually lead to the manifestation of that focus.

Grant Cardone Net Worth Quote - Doubt Is Your Enemy

With that being said, we hope you’ll take this information, and let it inspire you towards getting clear on the success you want and the wealth you would like to build. And then get your hustle on to make it so.

Till you reach your aims,


PS – If you enjoyed this Grant Cardone Net Worth page, then you’ll love our collection of Net Worth profiles of other notable successful people and high achievers.

PPS – If you want to build a sizeable net worth like Grant Cardone and not have to work till the day you die to do it, then you may want to check out this post on how to get rich with a normal job.

** These earnings are hypothetical and calculated off of Grant Cardone’s net worth’s earning power alone assuming a 4.5% dividend yield.

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