
The Ultimate Guide to Filing US Taxes as an American Living in the UK in 2023

Reading Time: 3 mins

As an American living in the UK, it’s crucial to comprehend your tax obligations and requirements. Filing your US tax return can be challenging, but with the proper guidance and knowledge, it’s manageable. This ultimate guide focuses on everything you need to know about filing your US taxes as an American expat living in the UK in 2023.

Who Must File a US Tax Return?

All US citizens and green card holders, regardless of where they reside, must file a US tax return. If you’ve earned income during the tax year, you must file a tax return, even if you don’t owe any taxes. The US operates on a citizenship-based tax system, which means that you must report your worldwide income on your tax return, including income earned in the UK.

When is the Tax Filing Deadline?

The tax filing deadline for US citizens living abroad is June 15th, with an automatic extension until October 15th. However, this extension is only for filing the tax return, not for paying any taxes owed. If you owe taxes, you must pay by the original due date of April 15th, or you will be subject to interest and penalties.

What Forms Should You File?

As an American living in the UK, you may be required to file several tax forms, depending on your income and financial situation. Some of the most common forms include:

  • Form 1040: This is the main US tax return form that all Americans must file.
  • Form 2555: This form is used to claim the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE), which allows you to exclude up to $108,700 (in 2023) of your foreign earned income from US taxes.
  • Form 1116: This form is used to claim the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC), which allows you to reduce your US tax liability by the amount of foreign taxes you paid.
  • FinCEN Form 114 (FBAR): This form is required if you have foreign financial accounts with an aggregate balance of $10,000 or more at any time during the tax year.

It’s worth noting that filing requirements and the necessary forms may differ based on your individual circumstances. It’s highly recommended that you consult with a tax professional who specializes in expat tax returns.

What Are the Penalties for Failing to File?

Failing to file a US tax return can result in significant penalties and interest charges. If you owe taxes, you will be subject to interest charges and late payment penalties, which can add up quickly. Additionally, if you fail to file your tax return by the deadline, you may be subject to a late filing penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax amount for each month the return is late, up to a maximum of 25%. The penalties for failing to file an FBAR can be even more severe, with a potential penalty of up to $12,921 per violation.

How to Make the Tax Filing Process Easier?

The tax filing process can be overwhelming, but there are several steps you can take to make it more manageable:

  • Keep accurate records: Keep detailed records of all your income, expenses, and financial transactions to ensure you can properly report them on your tax return.
  • Consult with a tax professional: Working with a tax professional who specializes in expat tax returns can ensure that you are taking advantage of all the available deductions and credits while avoiding potential pitfalls.
  • Use tax software: Using tax software specifically designed for expats can simplify the tax filing process and help you ensure that you are filing all the required forms correctly.

Final Thoughts

Filing your US taxes as an American living in the UK can be a complex process, but it’s necessary to avoid penalties and comply with tax laws. It’s important to remember that US citizens and green card holders are required to file a US tax return, regardless of where they reside. This includes reporting worldwide income on your tax return, including income earned in the UK. Working with a tax professional who specializes in expat tax returns can make the process easier and ensure you’re taking advantage of all available deductions and credits. Keep accurate records, consult with a tax professional, and use tax software designed for expats to simplify the tax filing process.

Disclaimer: MoneyMagpie is not a licensed financial advisor and therefore information found here including opinions, commentary, suggestions or strategies are for informational, entertainment or educational purposes only. This should not be considered as financial advice. Anyone thinking of investing should conduct their own due diligence.

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