
5 Reasons Your Blog Needs an Email List

Blogging is a powerful form of communication. It’s a way to add value to your website, share insights with customers, and build relationships with readership around the world.

But starting a blog and building a large and loyal
readership isn’t easy. There are a variety of factors that contribute to a
blog’s success. One of the most overlooked factors is your email list.

In this article, we take a closer look at what makes email such a vital component of a thriving blog. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know.

Read: 6 Eye-Catching Email Subject Lines to Catapult Your Open Rates

#1. It’s an Effective Sales Tool

Email gives you the opportunity to
share news about your products and services with readers. After all, readers
have opted-in to join your list, thus they are clearly interested in what you
have to say.

This is incredibly valuable.
Especially when you are ready to offer discounts, introduce a new product or
service, or share news about your company or team.

#2. Allows You to Reach Readers Directly

There are few tools that offer the power of direct access to your readers. They have opted-in, providing you with their email address, allowing you to contact them directly. This can be far more effective than randomly placed ads on search or social media.

Read: Email Marketing Best Practices – Top Email Marketing Tips

#3. Email is Personal and Targeted

Again, paid ads are much more
generic and tend to be ignored by the vast majority of eyeballs. Email, on the
other hand, is targeted specifically to people who have freely provided their
personal information in exchange for updates regarding your product or service.

This gives you the power to speak to
them directly, be more personal, and provides you with the knowledge that these
individuals are already interested in your message.

#4. You Have Control Over Content

One of the most valuable features of
email is that you have full control over the content you provide to customers.
After all, social media platforms are owned by
companies who maintain control over the content. This limits what you can say,
and they can actually block you or your content from being displayed.

With email, the reader can choose to
be removed from your list at any moment, but the relationship is strictly
between you and your reader rather than some corporate middleman.

#5. Provides Insight Into Your Readership

Because your email list is specific
to each individual reader, you are able to gain specific insight into exactly
who your customers are. This gives you the power to take advantage of such
marketing tools as customer surveys in exchange for special offers.

And as customers respond to your newsletter, you can begin building a database of exactly who your readers are, what they want, and how you can serve them better.

Read: How to Use Gifs to Improve Your Email Opening Rate

The Benefits of an Email List for Blogs

No matter if you’re a beginner or an
old pro at blogging, it’s never too late to take advantage of an email list. As
discussed, email gives you a direct connection to readers. This increases
communication and helps to make your advertising more effective.

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Benefits of an Email List for Blogs

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