
Top 3 Side Hustle Myths: Creating Passive Income With Millionaire Nick Wood

The Instagram world of entrepreneurs has exposed us all to seemingly limitless lifestyle opportunities, where people can make money with only an internet connection. The digital age we live in is a good escape from the constraints of the traditional office job and a lucrative route to financial and personal freedom.

Still, despite the many success stories online, such as Gary Vaynerchuk, Steven Bartlett, Grant Cardone, and others, many tales of false promises lead only to disappointment.

So, which one is it? Is this new wave of digital side hustles led by Internet-famous entrepreneurs legit? Or is there more to the story?

New Wave of Digital Side Hustles

According to rank and rent digital real estate expert Nick Wood, the proof is in the pudding.

“There is an inherent value in learning how to make money from someone who has done it. The cream will always rise to the top and the truth will always come out,” says Wood. “I’ve met a lot of the guys doing this on a massive scale and they are the real deal. The guys who are selling snake oil fizzle out as quickly as they came in.”

Wood also emphasizes that the outcome of purchasing an online course or paying for a consultation with a digital entrepreneur depends on a person’s hunger to learn, ambition to put it to work, and creativity to recognize the opportunity.

As he puts it, “I say it all the time: All you need is Wi-Fi and a whole lot of hustle. Once you get your foot in the door by learning how to monetize a niche in this digital space, it becomes an industry and market like any other in the world. If you go in looking to learn and build, you can find success. If you go in without any strategy hoping to get rich overnight, you are likely going to have a negative experience and probably lose your investment of time and money.”

Wood adds: “It’s as true as it ever was: If it feels too good to be true, it likely is. Anything worth having takes time and effort to learn and build.”

Dubbed the “King of Digital Real Estate” by his online community, Nick Wood is an entrepreneur and rank and rent expert who built a multi 7-figure digital real estate empire online. However, achieving financial success for himself was only the beginning, as he distilled his money-making methods and best practices into a thriving online course community with a mission to teach others how to create passive income online.

As founder and CEO of Digital Landlords, Wood has now helped over 400 students from across the globe learn how to build simple websites and rent them out to business owners looking for new leads. Many of his clients are now earning from $10,000 a month all the way up to $45,000 a month in passive income.

Nick points out that his program contains everything a person needs to know to make money buying and selling digital real estate, with no sales or technical experience required. From picking the right niche in the right market to building websites and ranking them with SEO practices, Wood’s tried-and-tested sales strategies are accomplishing his goal of helping people escape the rat race.

“It does take hard work, but if you put in the time and do it right, you’re much more likely to be making great money that’s not tied to a dead-end job that is sucking your soul and keeping you away from investing in your dreams and spending time with your loved ones,” says Wood.

With that in mind, we asked Nick Wood to highlight several common misconceptions we’ve all heard about entrepreneurs and their money hustles in the digital space.

Myth 1: “I Have To Take a Leap of Faith and Quit My 9-To-5 Job To Start a New Hustle.”

Wood explains that many people mistakenly believe they should quit their job to go all in on their laptop/phone hustle.

While dedicating oneself to the grind and putting in more hours sounds like an excellent idea for growth, the reality is different. Nick shares how the beauty of the side hustle is that it can be done from anywhere at any time.

“Success does not happen overnight. Rome was not built in a day. Keep your day job while you learn the ropes of your new hustle and put in your hours. You’re under no obligation to let your new hustle become your master. It’s supposed to be the other way around.”

Wood recommends keeping your primary source of income for at least a couple of months until you start seeing returns on your side hustle.

“You’ll know when it’s time to give your two weeks’ notice and go all in on your passive income stream. The consistent deposits into your account from all your hard work will let you know when that is.”

Myth 2: “I Don’t Have _________, so I Won’t Have The Same Success He/She Did.”

“So many people fail before they even begin by telling themselves that they don’t have enough knowledge, money, followers, connections, time, patience–the list of excuses is always so long with people who are scared to start. But that’s the only key: you just need to start. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in the rat race your whole career,” says Nick Wood.

According to Wood, Digital Landlords provides students with not only the scripts and curriculum needed to succeed in creating and selling digital assets, it also provides a supportive community tailored to encourage and motivate students.

“This is the best business model on the Internet because it’s about as equal opportunity as you can get. All you need is an Internet connection and a work ethic. Do not sell yourself short. Invest in yourself to give yourself the type of income and job security that is hard to come by in the traditional workforce.”

Myth 3: “Digital Real Estate? Sounds Complicated and Difficult.”

Nick admits he understands this way of thinking.

“I’ve gotten used to the fact that no matter how hard I try to explain rank and rent digital real estate in a simple way, some people’s eyes are going to just gloss over before I even finish,” he laughs. But don’t let the jargon fool you.

Wood says the good news is that his way of earning passive income isn’t complex at all – in fact, it’s quite simple when compared to other business models in the online space. It only costs his students about $50 to buy a domain, build a website, and host it, which is the first step in owning a digital asset that can net them thousands of dollars a month passively.

“The margins are insane and that’s why I am always referring to it as the best business model on the Internet.”

Overall, digital entrepreneurs like Nick Wood are reshaping the modern workforce and creating an alternate route for those looking to develop a career path where they don’t have to choose between making lots of money and climbing the corporate ladder. The globalization of the Internet and the countless opportunities in the digital space are ever-shifting, instantly creating new and innovative ways to make money online.

Those with the ambition and dedication to learning new skills and creating streams of passive income through the Internet can succeed.

Building wealth through dropshipping, Amazon automation, lead generation, search engine optimization, and online sales, to name a few, are viable and potentially lucrative spaces. Speaking from experience through his time building Digital Landlords into a worldwide network of students learning rank and rent digital real estate, Nick Wood says that while it does take hard work and time, the shining benefit of working for oneself as a digital entrepreneur is that there is no ceiling.

Your earning potential is only capped by one’s willingness to get out there and make it happen.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks.

Sam Allcock is the founder of PR Fire. His team help small to medium-sized businesses achieve coverage in publications like Yahoo Finance, Daily Mail, Metro, USA Today, MSN News, The Huffington Post, and The Telegraph through smart press release distribution.

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